Renew Command-Line Options Details

The following table shows all the command-line options for Renew.exe. All options can be in lowercase or uppercase. Uppercase is show for clarity.


Display Help. This option displays all command-line options and examples showing how to use them.

When this option is specified, all other command-line options are ignored.


Batch Mode.

This option tells Renew to run without Sounds, Displays or User I/P Prompts. If you wish to record all program activity to the Log file, then specify the /L option.

Batch Mode is normally used to hide the Renew operation from the End User.

When using Batch Mode, you must also provide a Renew Code and Product-ID via the /C and /K options.

/C nnnnn-nnnnn-nnnnn

Renew Code (15 digits). Hyphens are optional.

If you have specified “/B” for Batch Mode, this Command-Line Option is required.

/K xxxxxxxx

In case there is more than 1 Key plugged into the computer, this option allows you to specify the Product-ID (xxxxxxxx) of the Key which will be renewed. This field is case-sensitive and supports Unicode characters. The Product-ID specified here should exactly match what was used to build the Key.

If you have specified “/B” for Batch Mode, this Command-Line Option is required.

/L xxxxxxxx

When this option is used, Renew records all program activity to a Log file. The /L option allows you to specify the Path (xxxxxxxx) where the Log file will be created or updated. If the Path specified already contains a Log file, the new information will be appended to the end of the file.

The name of the Log file will always be the current name of the Renew program with an extension of “.log”. For example, if you have renamed the program to “Reset.exe”, the Log file name will be “Reset.log”.

You may specify an Absolute Path or Relative Path. A Relative Path will be based on the current Path of the Renew program. If using a Path with embedded spaces, you must use double-quotes around the Path and not end the Path with a “\”.

If the /L option is specified without a Path, the Path of the Renew program will be used.

/N nnnnnnnnn

In case there is more than 1 Key plugged into the computer, this option allows you to specify the Serial Number of the Key which will be renewed.

If you don't specify this option, the first Key found that matches all the other options will be used.


Quiet Mode. Mute all Sounds.

/R nnn

In case there is more than 1 Key plugged into the computer, this option allows you to specify the Renew Used-Count (0-250) of the Key which will be renewed.

If you don't specify this option, the first Key found that matches all the other options will be used.

/S xxx … xxx

Session-ID up to 81 bytes of Unicode characters. Used to quickly identify this work Session in the Renew Log file.


Terse Mode. Do not show Number of Days or Number of Runs added to the Time Limit or Uses Limit.






(Command-Line Options shown in uppercase for clarity)

renew /B /C 12345-12345-12345 /K Product8 /L /S “Customer #54321”

renew /B /C 123451234512345 /K Product8 /L .\Log_Path

renew /B /C 54321-54321-54321 /K MyProd2 /N 100002 /R 2

renew /L “d:\myproduct data files” /Q