KeyBuild Command-Line Options

The following table shows all the command-line options for KeyBuild. All options can be in lowercase or uppercase. Uppercase is show for clarity.


Display Help. This option displays all command-line options and examples showing how to use them.

When this option is specified, all other command-line options are ignored.


Batch Mode.

You must specify /B in order to use any of the other Command-Line Options (except /H).

This option tells KeyBuild to run without Sounds, Displays or User I/P Prompts. All program activity is recorded to the Log file (“KeyBuild.log”). You may specify the location of this Log file via the /L option.

KeyBuild Batch Mode is used to automate the process of building Keys or Renew Codes.

When using Batch Mode, you must always specify an Options file via the /O option.

/A nnnn

Amount (nnnn) to Increase Serial Number for each Build. This value must be between 0 and 9999.

If building multiple Keys in a single execution of KeyBuild, this Amount will be added to the Serial Number each time a Key is built.

If building multiple Renew Codes in a single execution of KeyBuild, this Amount will be added to the Serial Number each time a Renew Code is built.

If you don't specify this option, the values from the Options file will be used.

/D nnn

/D yyyy-mm-dd

This Days or Date value will be used to set the Time Limit (Expire-Date) of the Key.

Specifying 0 (zero) means you want the Time Limit to be “Unlimited”. If building Keys, the Time Limit will be set to “Unlimited”. If building Renew Codes, the Key's Time Limit will be set to “Unlimited” when the Renew Code is entered successfully.

If a number (nnn) of days is specified, it must be between 1 and 999. If building Keys, the Expire-Date will be set to the Date your Product is FIRST USED plus the number of days specified here. In other words, the Time Limit will not start until the Key is used for the first time. If building Renew Codes, the Expire-Date will be set to the Key's current Expire-Date plus the number of days specified here. If the Key has already expired, then the Renew program will add the number of days to the current date in order to calculate the Key new Expire-Date.

If an explicit date (yyyy-mm-dd) is specified, it must be from 1 to 999 days from today. This exact date will be used to set the Expire-Date of the Key.

If you don't specify this option, the value from the Options file will be used.

/E nnnn

Uses Limit (nnnn). This value must be between 0 and 5000. Specifying 0 (zero) means you want the Uses Limit to be “Unlimited”.

If building Keys, the specified value will be used as the Uses Limit.

If building Renew Codes, the specified value will be added to the Key's Uses Limit when the Renew Code is processed by the Renew program.

If you don't specify this option, the value from the Options file will be used.

/F nn /F nn …

<or >

/F hhhh

When building Keys, you can specify up to 16 /F options to set Feature-Flags. Each specified Feature-Flag (nn) must be between 1 and 16. For example:

keybuild /B /O MyOptionsFile /F 1 /F 5 /F 12 <Enter>

will build a Key with Feature-Flags 1, 5, and 12 Turned On.

When building Keys, if you don't specify a /F option, the Feature-Flags from the Options file will be used. If you DO specify at least one /F option, the Feature-Flags in the Options file will not be used at all.

When building Renew Codes, if you want to Turn ON the specified Feature-Flags, use '1' thru '16' to specify the flag numbers. If you want to Turn OFF the specified Feature-Flags, then add a Minus Sign ('-') in front of the first flag number. For example:

keybuild /B /O MyOptionsFile /G 1 /R 0 /F 1 /F 5 /F 12 <Enter>

will build a Renew Code to Turn ON Feature-Flags 1, 5 and 12.

keybuild /B /O MyOptionsFile /G 1 /R 0 /F -1 /F 5 /F 12 <Enter>

will build a Renew Code to Turn OFF Feature-Flags 1, 5 and 12.

To build a Renew Code that completely overwrites the existing Feature-Flags, specify all 16 flags in a hexadecimal word (16 bits) where the least significant bit represents Feature-Flag #1 and the most significant bit represents Feature-Flag #16. For example:

keybuild /B /O MyOptionsFile /G 1 /R 0 /F 0811 <Enter>

will build a Renew Code to Turn On Feature-Flags 1, 5 and 12 and Turned Off the other 13 Flags.

/G nnn

Using the /G option tells KeyBuild to build Renew Codes instead of Keys.

This option specifies the Number (nnn) of Renew Codes to build. This value must be between 1 and 100.

If you don't specify this option, the default of one (1) will be used.

If the Amount to Increase the Serial Number is set to 0 (zero), then ALL codes will be built for the same Key (same Serial Number), where each Renew Code is for a different Renew Used-Count.

/I xxxxxxxx

You can specify up to 3 “/I” options, one for each of the Registration Information fields.

The first “/I” option used will set the Name, the second “/I” option will set the Company and the third “/I” option will set the Other information.

The Options File values will be used for any of the 3 fields that you don't specify using the “/I” option.

This option can not be used when building Renew Codes.

/L xxxxxxxx

When this option is used, KeyBuild records all program activity to a Log file named “KeyBuild.log. The /L option allows you to specify the Path (xxxxxxxx) where the Log file will be created or updated. If the Path specified already contains a Log file, the new information will be appended to the end of the file.

You may specify an Absolute Path or Relative Path. A Relative Path will be based on the current Path of the KeyBuild program. If using a Path with embedded spaces, you must use double-quotes around the Path and not end the Path with a “\”.

If the /L option is specified without a Path, the Path of the KeyBuild program will be used.

If you don't specify this option while building Keys, the KeyBuild Log Path on the KeyBuild Preferences panel will be used.

/N nnnnnnnnn

Next Serial Number (nnnnnnnnnn) to use when building Keys or Renew Codes. This value must be between 1 and 999999999 (9 digits maximum).

If you don't specify this option, the value from the Options file will be used.

/O xxxxxxxx.EVK

Options File Name. This is the File Name of the EverKey Options File to use for building Keys or Renew Codes. If the file does not reside in the same folder as KeyBuild, you must specify an Absolute or Relative Path along with the filename. A Relative Path will be based on the current Path of the KeyBuild program. If you don't specify the “.EVK” filename extension, it will be added for you.

If you have specified “/B” for Batch Mode, this Command-Line Option is required.

/R nnn

Renew Used-Count 0-250 to use when using the /G option to build Renew Codes.

If you don't specify this option, the default of zero (0) will be used.

/S xxx … xxx

Session-ID up to 81 bytes of Unicode characters. Used to quickly identify this work Session in the Log file (“KeyBuild.log”).

/U hhhh … hhhh


/U hhhh

This option allows you to override up to all 16 bytes of the User-Data that is specified in the Options File. For each byte you wish to override, specify the hexadecimal value (hh) or specify “No” to use the byte from the Options File. You must specify exactly 32 characters total.

For example, if you want to override the first and second bytes to “FF”, but have all the other bytes set by the values in the Options File, specify “/U FFFFNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo”.

To set the Version 2 User-Data Flags, specify exactly 4 (instead of 32) characters with the values of the two Flag bytes. For example, “/U 0101” or “/U no7F”. This is the only “/U” option that is supported when building Renew Codes.

If you don't specify this option at all, the User-Data values from the Options File will be used.


Specifies that the Renew Codes will Expire and must be used within 7 days from the time they are built.

This option is only valid when you are also using the /G option to build Renew Codes.

If you don't specify this option, the built Renew Codes will not expire.






(Command-Line Options shown in uppercase for clarity)

keybuild /B /O product2.evk

keybuild /B /O myprod /L “C:\EverKey\Logs”

keybuild /B /O myprod.evk /E 100 /D 2014-12-31 /S “Customer #54321”

keybuild /B /O newprod.evk /E 0 /D 0 /F 1 /F 12

keybuild /B /G 1 /O prod4.evk /N 1102 /D 60 /R 0 /S “Add 60 Days to Expire-Date”