The following steps are used to perform a KeyChk function call from your Program:

Step 1

Define the Secure Communications Block (SCB).

Step 2

Initialize the required fields of the SCB. The fields that must be initialized are listed with the description of the functions.

Step 3

Call the KeyChk function.

Step 4a

If the Error Code field in the SCB is zero, the Key check was successful. This means that the Key was found and was not expired. All the fields in the SCB will be available for display or other use. Your program should continue as normal.

Step 4b

If the Error Code field in the SCB is non-zero, the Key check failed. This means that your Key is expired, invalid or NOT plugged into the computer. None of the fields in the SCB should be considered valid, except the Error Code fields. Your program should take whatever action you feel is necessary. This can range from an Error message to just shutting down. Some Companies allow their Customers to run in “Demo” mode if a valid Key is not present.

NOTE: If the Key check fails, it is recommended that you display or log the Error Code, Error Status 1 and Error Status 2 fields in a Hexadecimal format. If you need to consult our Support staff about the Error, they will need this information.