KeyChk is a function which allows your program to check the presence and status of a Key. Your program has complete control over when KeyChk is called and what action is taken if the Key check succeeds or fails.

The KeyChk function is supplied in an EverKey DLL. Win32 programs should use the KeyChk.dll file and programs built for the x64 platform should use the KeyChk64.dll file.

KeyChk.dll supports both Rockey4 and Rockey4ND Keys. KeyChk64.dll only supports the newer Rockey4ND Keys.

To simplify the text, this manual refers to both DLLs as the KeyChk DLL.

Information is exchanged between your program and KeyChk via a Secure Communication Block (SCB) data area that resides within your program. Before your program calls the KeyChk function, it must set up an SCB area which tells KeyChk what to do. Once KeyChk is called, it performs a check for your Key, reports the results in your SCB area, sets an Error Code and returns control to your program.

The KeyChk function only requires one parameter, a pointer to the SCB. The returned value of the KeyChk function itself is always zero (0) and does not need to be checked. The results of the Key check are returned in the Error Code fields of the SCB.